有以下員工表:ID       Name     age   department  image    inputDate 
1 Jim 20 13 301 2006-01-01 
2 Tom 22 13 302 2006-05-01 
3 Ben 22 13 303 2006-03-01 
4 Sam 20 14 304 2006-04-01 
5 Jion 21 14 305 2006-05-01 
6 Carry 20 15 306 2006-06-01 
7 Apple 21 15 307 2006-01-11 
8 Cenny 23 15 308 2007-01-01 
9 Lucy 20 15 309 2006-02-01 
10 Sruory 23 15 400 2007-01-01 我想在每個部門中找出一位員工,邏輯是:在本部門中age最大的,如age相同的選inputDate較小的,如inputDate也相同就選擇ID較小的。我的方法如下:
declare  @tbPerson table
(ID int ,
Name varchar(20),
age int,
departmentID int,
ImageID int,
InputDate datetime,
UpdateDate datetime
)insert into @tbPerson
select 1,'Jim',20,13,301,'2006-01-01'
union all
select 2,'Tom',22,13,302,'2006-05-01'
union all
select 3,'Ben',22,13,303,'2006-03-01'
union all
select 4,'Sam',20,14,304,'2006-04-01'
union all
select 5,'Jion',21,14,305,'2006-05-01'
union all
select 6,'Carry',20,15,306,'2006-06-01'
union all
select 7,'Apple',21,15,307,'2006-01-11'
union all
select 8,'Cenny',23,15,308,'2007-01-01'
union all
select 9,'Lucy',20,15,309,'2006-02-01'
union all
select 10,'Sruory',23,15,400,'2007-01-01'select departmentID,max(age) as MaxAge
into #tbMaxAge
from @tbPerson
group by departmentIDselect a.departmentID,
          min(b.InputDate) as MinDate
into #tbMaxAge_InputDate
from #tbMaxAge as a
inner join @tbPerson as b
on a.departmentID=b.departmentID
  and a.MaxAge=b.age
group by a.departmentID,
                a.MaxAgeselect * from @tbPerson where ID in(
select min(ID)
from #tbMaxAge_InputDate as a
inner join @tbPerson as b
on a.departmentID=b.departmentID
  and a.MaxAge=b.age
  and a.MinDate=b.InputDate
group by  a.departmentID,
)drop table #tbMaxAge
drop table #tbMaxAge_InputDate但我覺得這種方法比較煩,請教有無更好的方法呢?

解决方案 »


    declare  @tbPerson table
    (ID int ,
    Name varchar(20),
    age int,
    departmentID int,
    ImageID int,
    InputDate datetime
    )insert into @tbPerson
    select 1,'Jim',20,13,301,'2006-01-01'
    union all
    select 2,'Tom',22,13,302,'2006-05-01'
    union all
    select 3,'Ben',22,13,303,'2006-03-01'
    union all
    select 4,'Sam',20,14,304,'2006-04-01'
    union all
    select 5,'Jion',21,14,305,'2006-05-01'
    union all
    select 6,'Carry',20,15,306,'2006-06-01'
    union all
    select 7,'Apple',21,15,307,'2006-01-11'
    union all
    select 8,'Cenny',23,15,308,'2007-01-01'
    union all
    select 9,'Lucy',20,15,309,'2006-02-01'
    union all
    select 10,'Sruory',23,15,400,'2007-01-01'SELECT * FROM @tbPersonSELECT * FROM @tbPerson t1
    (SELECT 1
    FROM @tbPersON t2
    WHERE t2.departmentID=t1.departmentID
    ((t2.age>t1.age) OR (t2.age=t1.age AND t2.InputDate<t1.InputDate)
    OR (t2.age=t1.age AND t2.InputDate=t1.InputDate AND t2.id<t1.id)) )
    (10 row(s) affected)ID          Name                 age         departmentID ImageID     InputDate                                              
    ----------- -------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------------------------------------------------ 
    1           Jim                  20          13           301         2006-01-01 00:00:00.000
    2           Tom                  22          13           302         2006-05-01 00:00:00.000
    3           Ben                  22          13           303         2006-03-01 00:00:00.000
    4           Sam                  20          14           304         2006-04-01 00:00:00.000
    5           Jion                 21          14           305         2006-05-01 00:00:00.000
    6           Carry                20          15           306         2006-06-01 00:00:00.000
    7           Apple                21          15           307         2006-01-11 00:00:00.000
    8           Cenny                23          15           308         2007-01-01 00:00:00.000
    9           Lucy                 20          15           309         2006-02-01 00:00:00.000
    10          Sruory               23          15           400         2007-01-01 00:00:00.000(10 row(s) affected)ID          Name                 age         departmentID ImageID     InputDate                                              
    ----------- -------------------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------------------------------------------------ 
    3           Ben                  22          13           303         2006-03-01 00:00:00.000
    5           Jion                 21          14           305         2006-05-01 00:00:00.000
    8           Cenny                23          15           308         2007-01-01 00:00:00.000(3 row(s) affected)