option casemap :none
assume fs :flat STRIP_RELOC equ 00000000000000000000000000000001b
ALIGN_PE equ 00000000000000000000000000000010b
LDR_ALIGN equ 00000000000000000000000000000100b
BACKUP equ 00000000000000000000000000001000b IMPORT_PROT equ 00000000000000010000000000000000b
BPX_PROT equ 00000000000000100000000000000000b ALL_PARAMS equ STRIP_RELOC or ALIGN_PE or LDR_ALIGN or IMPORT_PROT or BPX_PROT or BACKUP CONSOLE equ 10000000000000000000000000000000b
RSRC equ 0
SECTION_FLAGS equ 0C0000040h ; same flag for all sections IDD_DIALOG1 equ 103
IDC_TEXTABOUT equ 301 IDC_EDIT1 equ 104
IDC_EXIT equ 12
IDC_ABOUT equ 11
IDC_SELECT equ 13 IDC_STATUS1 equ 140
IDC_PROGRESS equ 170 IDI_ICON1 equ 999 IDC_WIPERELOC equ 113
hConsoleOut dd ?
hProgress dd ?
hCompress dd ?
hWindow dd ?
hInst dd ?
DlgRect  RECT <?>
DlgWidth  dd ?
DlgHeight  dd ?
DesktopRect  RECT <?>
lpWritten dd ?
hReg dd ?
lpdwDisposition dd ? lpOfn label byte
ofn_lStructSize dd cbOfn ;number of bytes
ofnhWndOwner dd 0
ofnhInstance dd 0 ;dialog box template id
ofn_lpstrFilter dd offset szFilter ;filter strings
ofn_lpstrCustomFilter dd 0 ;user-defined filter stings
ofn_nMaxCustFilter dd 0 ;size of custom filter buffer
ofn_nFilterIndex dd 0 ;index into the filter buffer
ofn_lpstrFile dd offset lpFilename ;default file name buffer
ofn_nMaxFile dd 255 ;size of the file name buffer
ofn_lpstrFileTitle dd 0 ;file title buffer
ofn_nMaxFileTitle dd 0 ;size of the file title buffer
ofn_lpstrInitialDir dd 0 ;initial directory
ofn_lpstrTitle dd offset szCaption ;dialog box title
ofn_Flags dd 4 ;dialog box creation flags
ofn_nFileOffset dw 0 ;file name offset in lpstrFile
ofn_nFileExtension dw 0 ;file ext offset in lpstrFile
ofn_lpstrDefExt dd 0 ;default extension
ofn_lCustData dd 0 ;application-defined hook data
ofn_lpfnHook dd 0 ;hook function
ofn_lpTemplateName dd 0 ;dialog box template name
cbOfn equ $-lpOfn szFilter db 'Executable files(*.exe)',0,'*.exe',0,'All files(*.*)',0,'*.*',0,0 szAboutText db 'PeX v0.99',CR,LF,CR,LF
db 'Compression library used:',CR,LF
db 'APLIB 0.26b by Joergen Ibsen',CR,LF,CR,LF
db '(c) by bart^CrackPl',CR,LF
db '[email protected]',CR,LF
db '[email protected]',CR,LF
db 0
; szMailTo db 'mailto:[email protected]',0
szWrong db 'Internal error occured!',0
szPeXKey db '\Software\PeX',0
szPeXOptions db 'Options',0
szDWORD dd 4
szCannotOpen db 'Cannot open file!',0
szWrongPE db 'Wrong PE file!',0
szErrorPack db 'Error while compression!',0

szCaption db 'PeX v0.99 by bart^CrackPl',0
lCaption equ $-szCaption-1 szException db 'Internal exception occured!',0
szSuccess db 'File compressed.Saved bytes %lu',0
szAlreadyComp db 'File already compressed with PeX!',0
szAllDone db 'All done...',0 szCRLF db CR,LF
lpFilename db 255 dup(?) lpExePackData label dword
lpFile MEMF <?>
lpPeheader dd ?
lpSectionTable dd ?
lpTotalSize dd ?
lpTotalSizePtr dd ? lpOutput dd ?
lpOutputPtr dd ? lWorkMem equ 840*1024
lpWorkMem dd ? lpOutFile dd ?
lpPackedSize dd ? lpNumObj dd ?
lpRedirSize dd ? lpLastSection dd ?
lpOriginalSize dd ?
lExePackData equ $-lpExePackData
lpSafeLoader dd ? lpParam dd ? .code
call GetCommandLineA
xchg edi,eax ; eax -> pointer o command line
push edi
call lstrlen ; find command line length pushad
nextletter: ; convert command line to upper case format
mov al,[edi]
cmp al,0
je alldone
cmp al,'a'
jb notlowcase
cmp al,'z'
ja notlowcase
sub al,20h ; lowcase 2 upcase
mov [edi],al
inc edi
jmp nextletter

解决方案 »


    cmp dword ptr[edi],'EXE.'
    je @my_name
    inc edi
    dec eax
    jne @search_my_name
    cmp byte ptr[edi],' '
    je @got_exe
    inc edi
    dec eax
    jne @my_name
    jmp @bad_command_line
    inc edi
    push edi@search_ext:
    cmp dword ptr[edi],'EXE.'
    je @got_exe_ext
    inc edi
    dec eax
    jne @search_ext
    pop edi
    jmp @bad_command_line
    add edi,4
    sub eax,4 pop esi
    pushad mov ecx,esi
    mov eax,edi
    sub eax,ecx
    xchg eax,ecx
    mov edi,offset lpFilename ; copy filename
    rep movsb
    xchg eax,ecx
    stosb ; make ASCIz

    or dword ptr[lpParam],ALL_PARAMS AND (NOT BACKUP)@search_params:
    cmp word ptr[edi],'R-' ; strip relocation switch
    je @set_param1
    cmp word ptr[edi],'R/'
    je @set_param1
    cmp word ptr[edi],'A-' ; file align
    je @set_param2
    cmp word ptr[edi],'A/'
    je @set_param2
    cmp word ptr[edi],'L-' ; loader alignment
    je @set_param3
    cmp word ptr[edi],'L/'
    je @set_param3
    cmp word ptr[edi],'B-' ; backup
    je @set_param4
    cmp word ptr[edi],'B/'
    je @set_param4
    cmp word ptr[edi],'I-' ; import_protection
    je @set_param5
    cmp word ptr[edi],'I/'
    je @set_param5
    cmp word ptr[edi],'X-' ; bpx protection
    je @set_param6
    cmp word ptr[edi],'X/'
    je @set_param6@search_next_param:
    inc edi
    dec eax
    jne @search_params or dword ptr[lpParam],CONSOLE call AllocConsole ; create new console window
    @alredy_got_console: push STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    callW GetStdHandle
    mov dword ptr[hConsoleOut],eax ; save console handle for write push 0
    push offset lpWritten
    push lCaption ; string length
    push offset szCaption ; string
    push eax ; output handle
    call WriteConsoleA push offset lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo
    push dword ptr[hConsoleOut]
    call GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo call compress_peexe push -1
    call ExitProcess@set_param1:
    and dword ptr[lpParam],NOT STRIP_RELOC
    jmp @search_next_param
    and dword ptr[lpParam],NOT ALIGN_PE
    jmp @search_next_param
    and dword ptr[lpParam],NOT LDR_ALIGN
    jmp @search_next_param
    or dword ptr[lpParam],BACKUP
    jmp @search_next_param
    and dword ptr[lpParam],NOT IMPORT_PROT
    jmp @search_next_param
    and dword ptr[lpParam],NOT BPX_PROT
    jmp @search_next_param@bad_command_line:
    sub eax,eax
    push offset lpdwDisposition
    push offset hReg ; offset to handle
    push eax
    push 1F0003h
    push eax
    push eax
    push eax
    push offset szPeXKey ; subkey
    push HKEY_CURRENT_USER ; root key
    call RegCreateKeyExA ; retrieve settings from registry@skip_get_registry_settings: call InitCommonControlsEx push 0
    call GetModuleHandleA ; module base
    mov [hInst],eax ; save it sub edx,edx push edx ; lParam WM_INITDIALOG
    push offset DlgProc ; dialog proc
    push edx ; parent handle
    push IDD_DIALOG1 ; ID
    push eax ; module base
    call DialogBoxParamA
    push -1
    call ExitProcess ; exitPUBLIC DlgProc
    DlgProc proc STDCALL uses ebx edi esi, hWnd:DWORD, wmsg:DWORD, _wparam:DWORD, _lparam:DWORD movzx eax,word ptr [wmsg] cmp ax,WM_DESTROY
    je _wmdestroy
    cmp ax,WM_CLOSE
    je _wmdestroy
    cmp ax,WM_COMMAND
    je _wmcommand
    cmp ax,WM_INITDIALOG
    je _initdlg sub eax,eax
    ret ; message loop, return 0
    _wmdestroy: jmp @save_params
    jmp _exit
    mov word ptr[_wmdestroy],9090h push 113
    pop ebx
    sub ecx,ecx
    mov dword ptr[lpParam],ecx@get_params_save:
    push ecx push ebx
    push hWnd
    call IsDlgButtonChecked pop ecx shl eax,cl
    or dword ptr[lpParam],eax
    inc ecx
    inc ebx
    cmp ebx,130
    jbe @get_params_save push 4 ; dword value size
    push offset lpParam ; place to store val from registry
    push 4 ; REG_DWORD
    push 0
    push offset szPeXOptions ; subkey
    push hReg ; handle
    call RegSetValueExA push hReg
    call RegCloseKey ; close handle@end_dialog:
    push 0 ; return 0
    push hWnd ; dialog handle
    call EndDialog ; close dialog box
    ret ; jmp _exit


    cmp word ptr[_wparam],IDC_SELECT
    je _select cmp word ptr[_wparam],IDC_COMPRESS
    je _compress cmp word ptr[_wparam],IDC_ABOUT
    je _show_about cmp word ptr[_wparam],IDC_EXIT
    je _wmdestroy

    push hWnd
    pop ofnhWndOwner push offset lpOfn
    call GetOpenFileNameA push offset lpFilename
    push IDC_EDIT1
    push hWnd
    call SetDlgItemTextA ret_compress:
    push 0
    pop dword ptr[lpParam] push 255
    push offset lpFilename
    push IDC_EDIT1
    push hWnd
    call GetDlgItemTextA push 113
    pop ebx
    sub ecx,ecx
    push ecx push ebx
    push hWnd
    call IsDlgButtonChecked pop ecx shl eax,cl
    or dword ptr[lpParam],eax
    inc ebx
    inc ecx cmp ebx,130
    jbe @get_params push 0
    push [hCompress]
    call EnableWindow call compress_peexe
    xchg eax,ebx push 1
    push [hCompress]
    call EnableWindow

    test ebx,ebx
    jne _compression_ok push 10h
    push offset szCaption
    push offset szWrong
    push hWnd
    call MessageBoxA_compression_ok:
    push hWnd
    pop dword ptr[hWindow] push IDI_ICON1
    push hWnd
    call set_icon push hWnd
    call center_window push offset szCaption
    push hWnd
    call SetWindowTextA push offset szDWORD
    push offset lpParam
    push 0
    push 0
    push offset szPeXOptions
    push hReg
    call RegQueryValueExA ; get settings from registry@enable_reg_options: mov edx,[lpParam] push 113
    pop ebx@enable_options:
    push edx
    test dl,1
    je @skip_enable_option push 1
    push ebx
    push hWnd
    call CheckDlgButton
    pop edx
    shr edx,1
    inc ebx
    cmp ebx,130
    jbe @enable_options push IDC_COMPRESS
    push hWnd
    call GetDlgItem
    mov [hCompress],eax push IDC_PROGRESS
    push hWnd
    call GetDlgItem
    mov [hProgress],eax ret_show_about:
    push 0
    push offset AboutProc
    push hWnd
    push IDD_DIALOG2
    push hInst
    call DialogBoxParamA
    retDlgProc endpstatus_msg proc near
    test dword ptr[lpParam],CONSOLE
    je win_msg push edx
    sub edx,edx
    call writeln ; write CRLF
    pop edx call writeln ; write message sub edx,edx
    call writeln ; CRLF jmp msg_end
    push edx ; message text
    push IDC_STATUS1 ; ID
    push dword ptr[hWindow] ; window handle
    call SetDlgItemTextA ; set text
    ret ; return from proc
    status_msg endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
    ; ABOUT
    AboutProc proc STDCALL uses ebx edi esi, hWnd:DWORD, wmsg:DWORD, _wparam:DWORD, _lparam:DWORD movzx eax,word ptr [wmsg] ; wiadomosc do eax cmp ax,WM_DESTROY ; wiadomosc WM_DESTROY
    je _wmdestroy ; jezeli tak to zniszcz okno
    cmp ax,WM_CLOSE ; podobnie jezeli WM_CLOSE
    je _wmdestroy
    cmp ax,WM_COMMAND ; WM_COMMAND nacisnieto cos
    je _wmcommand ; obsluz
    cmp ax,WM_INITDIALOG
    je _initdlg sub eax,eax
    ret ; message loop, return 0
    push 0 ; return 0
    push hWnd ; uchwyt okan dlg
    call EndDialog ; koniec dlg
    ret ; powrot_wmcommand:
    cmp word ptr[_wparam],IDC_ABOUTEXIT
    je _wmdestroy cmp word ptr[_wparam],100
    je _wmdestroy
    push hWnd
    call center_window push IDI_ICON1
    push hWnd
    call set_icon push offset szAboutText
    push hWnd
    call SetDlgItemTextA ret
    AboutProc endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
    ; push IDC_ICON
    ; push hWindow_handle
    ; call set_icon
    set_icon proc near
    pop eax
    pop esi
    pop edi push eax push edi
    push hInst
    call LoadIconA push eax
    push 1
    push WM_SETICON
    push esi
    call SendMessageA
    set_icon endp


    ; push hWindow_handle
    ; call center_window
    center_window proc near
    pop eax
    pop esi
    push eax push offset DlgRect
    push esi
    call GetWindowRect call GetDesktopWindow push offset DesktopRect
    push eax
    call GetWindowRect push 0
    mov eax,DlgRect.rc_bottom
    sub eax,DlgRect.rc_top
    mov DlgHeight,eax
    push eax
    mov eax,DlgRect.rc_right
    sub eax,DlgRect.rc_left
    mov DlgWidth,eax
    push eax
    mov eax,DesktopRect.rc_bottom
    sub eax,DlgHeight
    shr eax,1
    push eax
    mov eax,DesktopRect.rc_right
    sub eax,DlgWidth
    shr eax,1
    push eax
    push esi
    call MoveWindow
    center_window endp@handler proc near
    mov esp,12345678
    @safe_esp equ dword ptr $-4 push 10h
    push offset szCaption
    push offset szException
    push 0
    call MessageBoxA push -1
    call ExitProcess@handler endpSectionAlign:
    mov edi,[lpPeheader]
            mov     ecx, [edi+objalign]
            jmp align_fix
    mov edi,[lpPeheader]
            mov     ecx, [edi+filealign]
    ; sets eax on alignment of ecx
    sub edx,edx
    div ecx ; /alignment
    test edx,edx ; if no remainder then no next
    je no_adjust
    inc eax ; next alignment                  
    mul     ecx ; *alignment ret
    ; get random byte
    ; on entry
    ; nothing
    ; on exit
    ; eax(al) pseudo random byte
    @get_brandom proc near
    call @get_random
    movzx eax,al
    @get_brandom endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
    ; get random number
    ; on entry
    ; nothing
    ; on exit
    ; eax pseudo random number
    @get_random proc near
    push edx
    push ecx
    call GetTickCount
    shl eax,3
    xor eax,edx
    not eax
    add eax,ecx
    add eax,lpFile.file_size
    shl eax,2
    add dword ptr[rnd],eax
    add eax,dword ptr[rnd]
    rol eax,cl
    mov [@rnd_temp],eax ; store valid random push 8
    pop ecx test al,al
    je @get_again_random rol eax,cl
    test al,al
    je @get_again_random ror eax,cl 
    pop ecx
    pop edx ret
    @rnd_temp dd 0
    rnd dd 0@get_random endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
    ; call this with szFilename set
    ; this proc partly coded by Virogen
    align_pe proc near push offset lpFilename
    call open_file mov lpFile.file_handle,eax
    mov lpFile.file_size,ecx push eax
    push ecx
    call map_file mov lpFile.mem_ptr,eax
    mov lpFile.mem_handle,ecx mov esi,[eax+3Ch]
    add esi,eax mov eax,[esi+filealign]
    cmp eax,200h ; already aligned to 200h
    jbe skip_pealignwas_same:
    movzx eax, word ptr [esi+NtHeaderSize]; get header size                             
    lea eax,[eax+esi+18h]

    push eax ; save ptr to obj table
    sub edx,edx
    push 40
    pop ecx
    movzx eax,word ptr[esi+numObj]
    inc eax
    mul ecx
    xchg eax,ebx
    pop eax
    push eax
    add eax,ebx
    mov ecx,[esi+filealign]
    call align_fix
    xchg ebx,eax ; ebx->phy. start of first obj
    pop eax mov ecx,ebx
    sub ecx,lpFile.mem_ptr
    mov [esi+headersize],ecx ; save new total size of hdr         mov ecx,200h
    mov [esi+filealign],ecx

    movzx ecx,word ptr[esi+numObj] ; get number of objects           
    mov edi,ebx ; edi->phy. start of first obj
    ; edi contains pointer to current writing address of the executable
    push eax
    push ecx
    mov ecx,edi ; ecx->current obj poff
    sub ecx,lpFile.mem_ptr ; get real obj poff
    mov esi,[eax+objpoff] ; esi->original obj p. off
    mov [eax+objpoff],ecx ; save new physical offset at cur
    mov ebx,[eax+objvsize] ; get virtual size
    cmp ebx,[eax+objpsize] ; bigger than physical size?
    jg skip_align ; if so skip re-aligning this one
    mov ecx,200h ; ecx=200h
    push eax ; save obj rec ptr
    xchg eax,ebx ; eax=object virtual size
    call align_fix ; align that baby
    xchg eax,ebx ; ebx=object virtual size
    pop eax ; restore obj ptr
    jmp did_align
    mov ebx,[eax+objpsize] ; use psize if vsize>psize
    mov [eax+objpsize],ebx ; save new aligned physical size
    add esi,lpFile.mem_ptr ; set esi into mapping
    mov ecx,ebx ; ecx=physical size
    rep movsb ; store object at new|old location
    pop ecx
    pop eax
    add eax,40 ; onto next object ..whohoo
    loop otbl_loop

    sub eax,40 ; adjust to last object
    mov ecx,[eax+objpsize] ; ecx=last object physical size
    add ecx,[eax+objpoff] ; ecx=total physical size of file
    push ecx ; save it for set_end proc push lpFile.mem_ptr
    push lpFile.mem_handle
    call unmap call set_end ret
    push lpFile.mem_ptr
    push lpFile.mem_handle
    call unmap push lpFile.file_handle
    call CloseHandle retalign_pe endp


    ; on entry
    ; edi RVA
    ; on exit
    ; edi RVA converted to offset in file
    @rva2offset proc near
    pushad mov edx,[lpSectionTable]
    mov esi,[lpPeheader]
    movzx ecx,word ptr[esi+numObj]
    cmp edi,[edx+objrva]
    jb @next_section mov eax,[edx+objrva]
    add eax,[edx+objvsize] cmp edi,eax
    jae @next_section sub edi,[edx+objrva]
    add edi,[edx+objpoff]
    add edi,lpFile.mem_ptr jmp @rva2offset_exit@next_section:
    dec ecx
    add edx,28h
    test ecx,ecx
    jne @check_section@rva2offset_exit:
    mov dword ptr[esp+_edi],edi popad
    @rva2offset endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
    ; on entry
    ; edi section table+section
    ; on exit
    ; ZF=0 means bad object
    @IsBadObject proc near

    mov eax,offset bad_otbl
    mov edx,[eax]
    not edx
    cmp dword ptr[esi],edx
    je @bad_object add eax,4
    cmp dword ptr[eax],0
    jne @check_object popad
    sub eax,eax
    inc eax ; reset ZF
    sub eax,eax ; set ZF
    dd NOT 'ler.' ; relo
    dd NOT 'ade.' ; edata
    dd NOT 'ete.' ; etext
    ; dd NOT 'adr.' ; rdata
    dd NOT 'slt.' ; tls
    dd NOT 'oci.' ; icon
    ; dd NOT 'adi.' ; idata
    dd NOT 'rsr.' ; rsrc dd 0
    @IsBadObject endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
    ; on entry
    ; edi section table+section
    ; on exit
    ; ZF is set if object cannot be encrypted
    @IsEncryptable proc near
    mov edi,dword ptr[lpPeheader] cmp dword ptr[esi+objpoff],0 ; offset=0, hmm strange
    je @dont_encrypt ; skip encryption cmp dword ptr[esi+objpsize],0 ; section size 0
    je @dont_encrypt ; skip encryption mov eax,[esi+objrva] ; RVAs;IFDEF RSRC
    cmp eax,[edi+resource] ; resource?
    je @dont_encrypt ; if equal skip it
    cmp eax,[edi+reloc] ; relocations?
    je @dont_encrypt ; if equal skip encryption, no dll suppor(this time)@check_tls:
    cmp eax,[edi+tls] ; ThreadLocalStorage?
    je @dont_encrypt ; if equal skip encryption@object_encryptable:
    popad ; restore regs
    sub eax,eax
    inc eax ; clear zero flag
    ret ; return@dont_encrypt:
    popad ; restore regs
    sub eax,eax ; set zero flag
    ret ; return
    @IsEncryptable endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹
    ; push lpFilename
    ; call create_file
    ; returned values
    ; eax file handle
    ; eax -1 error
    create_file proc near
    pop eax
    pop edx
    push eax sub eax,eax
    push eax
    push CREATE_NEW
    push eax
    push eax
    push edx
    call CreateFileA
    retcreate_file endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹
    ; push lpFilename
    ; call open_file
    ; returned values
    ; eax file handle
    ; ecx filesize
    ; eax -1 error
    open_file proc near
    pop eax
    pop edx
    push eax push edx push FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ; attribs
    push edx ; pointer to filename
    call SetFileAttributesA ; clear attributes

    pop edx ; pop filename sub eax,eax
    push eax
    push OPEN_EXISTING ; action
    push eax
    push eax
    push GENERIC_READ + GENERIC_WRITE ; access type
    push edx ; pointer to filename
    call CreateFileA

    cmp eax,-1
    je open_err push eax push 0
    push eax ; file handle
    call GetFileSize pop ecx
    xchg eax,ecxopen_err:
    open_file endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹
    ; push hFile
    ; push cbSize
    ; call map_file
    ; returned values
    ; eax pointer to mapped file
    ; ecx mapped file handle
    map_file proc near pop eax ; return value
    pop ecx ; size
    pop edx ; file handle push eax sub eax,eax
    push eax
    push ecx ; low size+vs  
    push eax ; high size   
    push PAGE_READWRITE ; read&write  
    push eax        
    push edx ; file handle
    call CreateFileMappingA push eax sub edx,edx push edx ; # of bytes, 0= map entire file
    push edx ; file offset low
    push edx ; file offset high             
    push FILE_MAP_WRITE ; access flags - read&write       
    push eax
    call MapViewOfFile pop ecx
    map_file endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹
    ; push lpPointer_to_mapped_file
    ; push hMapped_file
    ; call unmap
    ;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹unmap proc near
    pop eax ; return address pop ecx ; hMapped_file_handle
    pop edx ; lpPointer_to_mapped_area push eax push ecx
    push edx call UnmapViewOfFile
    call CloseHandle ret
    unmap endp


    ; on entry
    ; ecx - size of memory to allocate
    ; on exit
    ; eax - pointer to new allocated memory
    valloc proc near
    push ecx ; save used regs
    push edx push PAGE_READWRITE ; access type
    push MEM_RESERVE or MEM_COMMIT ; flags
    push ecx ; size
    push 0
    call VirtualAlloc pop edx
    pop ecx
    valloc endp
    ; on entry
    ; ecx - size of memory to deallocate
    ; eax - pointer to memory
    vfree proc near
    push ecx ; memory size
    push eax ; memory pointer
    call VirtualFree
    vfree endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
    ; push lFileSize
    ; call set_end
    set_end proc near
    pop eax ; pop return address
    pop ecx ; pop param(file size)
    push eax ; save ret address sub eax,eax
    push eax ; FILE_BEGIN from file begin                
    push eax ; distance high                  
    push ecx ; distance low                   
    push lpFile.file_handle
    call SetFilePointer ; move file pointer to       
    ; real EOF                           
    push lpFile.file_handle
    call SetEndOfFile ; set end of file push lpFile.file_handle ; file handle
    call CloseHandle ; close lpFile handle ret
    set_end endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
    ; edi pointer to buffer
    ; ecx buffer size
    @rnd_fill proc near
    push ecx
    call @get_brandom
    cmp al,9
    jbe @fill_number and al,0Fh
    add al,41h
    jmp @fill_byte
    add al,30h
    stosb pop ecx
    loop @rnd_fill
    @rnd_fill endp
    ; on entry
    ; esi peheader
    ; edi section table
    @wipe_reloc proc near
    pushad mov esi,[lpPeheader]
    mov edi,[lpSectionTable] movzx ecx,word ptr[esi+numObj] ; section count
    cmp dword ptr[edi],'ler.' ; .reloc
    je found_reloc
    cmp dword ptr[edi],'oler' ; relocs (ALINK)
    je found_reloc add edi,objlen ; next section
    loop scan_objs
    jmp no_reloc
    dec ecx
    jne reloc_not_last ; only set flag dec word ptr [esi+numObj] ; decrement secion count on PEheader
    sub eax,eax
    push objlen
    pop ecx
    rep stosb ; erase reloc section
    sub eax,eax
    mov dword ptr [edi+objpsize],eax
    mov dword ptr [esi+reloc],eax
    mov dword ptr [esi+relocsize],eax
    or word ptr[esi+DllFlags],1 ; set "relocations stripped"
    popad sub eax,eax
    inc eax ; reset ZF
    sub eax,eax ; set ZF
    @wipe_reloc endp


    @scan_import_table proc near sub ecx,ecx
    mov edx,[esi] ; 1st table
    test edx,edx
    jne @1table
    mov edx,[esi+16] ; original 1st thunk
    test edx,edx
    je @end_descriptor
    mov edi,edx
    call @rva2offset
    mov edx,edi
    mov edi,[edx] not dword ptr[edx] ; crypt rva test edi,edi
    je @end_hint test edi,80000000h ; check if func is imported by ordinal
    jne @import_by_ord call @rva2offset pushad
    mov [esp+_edi],edi ; save pointer to moved apiname
    lea esi,[edi+2] ; esi pointer to api name
    push esi
    call lstrlen ; length of api name
    xchg eax,ecx
    rep movsb ; move 2 bytes up api name string
    sub eax,eax
    stosw ; reminder popad mov ebx,dword ptr[@apiname_key]
    movzx eax,byte ptr[edi]
    test eax,eax
    sete ah
    @enc_apiname label byte
    add al,bl
    sub al,bh
    xor al,bl
    @enc_apinamelen equ $-@enc_apiname-2 db 0C1h,0C3h ; rol ebx,byte
    db 0
    @apiname_crypt_rolkey equ byte ptr $-1
    mov byte ptr[edi],al
    cmp ah,1
    je @apiname_end inc edi
    jmp @crypt_apiname@apiname_end:
    inc ecx
    add edx,4
    jmp @hint_scan
    add esi,20
    jmp @scan_image_import_descriptor
    @end_descriptor: ret
    @scan_import_table endpmerge_compressable_sections proc near
    call @IsBadObject
    je @skip_addition call @IsEncryptable
    je @skip_addition push esi sub eax,eax mov ecx,[esi+objpsize]
    mov dword ptr[esi],ecx ; save original raw size
    mov byte ptr[esi+objlinenum],al ; compression er
    mov dword ptr[esi+objpsize],eax ; set 0 raw size
    mov esi,[esi+objpoff]
    add esi,lpFile.mem_ptr
    mov edx,[esp]
    mov dword ptr[edx+objpoff],eax ; set 0 raw offset
    rep movsb pop esi jmp @section_added
    sub eax,eax
    inc eax mov byte ptr[esi+objlinenum],al ; set section_not_compressed er dec eax mov dword ptr[esi],eax ; 1st DWORD of name
    mov dword ptr[esi+4],eax ; 2nd DWORD of name
    mov dword ptr[esi+objflags],SECTION_FLAGS ; set new section attribs add esi,objlen
    dec ebx
    jne merge_compressable_sections retmerge_compressable_sections endp
    ; M A I N  C O M P R E S S I O N  P R O C E D U R E
    compress_peexe proc near
    pushad sub eax,eax
    mov edi,offset lpPeheader
    mov ecx,lpSafeLoader-lpPeheader
    rep stosb push offset compress_pe_handler ; save handler offset
    push dword ptr fs:[eax] ; save previous SEH frame
    mov fs:[eax],esp ; establish SEH frame call mutate ; mutate encryptors mov ecx,@total_loader_size
    call valloc
    mov dword ptr[lpSafeLoader],eax ; copy unchanged(exept mutated decryptor body)
    xchg eax,edi ; loader code
    mov esi,offset @loader_start ; to new allocated memory
    mov ecx,@total_loader_size ; after compression
    rep movsb ; restore original loader code test dword ptr[lpParam],BPX_PROT
    jne @leave_bpx_prot_active
    mov byte ptr[@check_bpx],0C3h ; put ret opcode on entry of @check_bpx proc
    @leave_bpx_prot_active: test dword ptr[lpParam],IMPORT_PROT
    jne @leave_import_prot_active push offset @store ; source
    push offset @normal_api_store ; destiantion
    call put_jmp@leave_import_prot_active: call @get_random ; create encryption keys
    mov dword ptr[@apiname_key],eax
    call @get_random
    mov byte ptr[@apiname_crypt_rolkey],al
    mov byte ptr[@apiname_decrypt_rolkey],al
    call @get_random
    mov dword ptr[@decryption_key_1],eax test dword ptr[lpParam],BACKUP
    je @no_backup push offset lpFilename ; find file name length
    call lstrlen
    xchg eax,ecx
    push ecx
    call valloc ; allocate memory page xchg eax,edi ; edi --> memory

    mov esi,offset lpFilename ; original file name
    pop ecx ; pop size
    push ecx ; save size
    push edi ; save pointer to memory push 0 ; fail if exist
    push edi ; new file name
    push esi ; file name push edi ; pointer to backup file name ptr
    rep movsb ; copy original file name
    mov eax,'KAB.' ; add .BAK suffix
    stosd ; store it
    call DeleteFileA ; delete backup file if exists call CopyFileA ; make backup pop eax ; pop memory ptr
    pop ecx ; pop memory size
    call vfree ; free memory
    push offset lpFilename ; pointer to filename
    call open_file ; open file
    inc eax ; eax=0?
    je @error_open ; error
    dec eax ; original value
    mov lpFile.file_handle,eax ; save file handle
    mov lpFile.file_size,ecx ; sae file size
    mov dword ptr[lpOriginalSize],ecx push eax ; file handle
    push ecx ; file size(+extra size for decryptor body)
    call map_file ; map file mov lpFile.mem_ptr,eax ; save mem pointer
    mov lpFile.mem_handle,ecx ; save handle call get_peheader ; eax file ptr,esi pointer to pe header test dword ptr[esi+0F4h],00000008h ; check PeX er
    jne @error_already_compressed cmp dword ptr[esi],000004550h ; PE exe?
    jne @wrong_pe_exe
    cmp dword ptr[esi+entrypointRVA],0 ; no entrypoint?
    je @wrong_pe_exe
    _trash 0E9h
    cmp word ptr[esi+cputype],014Ch ; i386
    jne @wrong_pe_exe
    test word ptr[esi+DllFlags],2000h ; DLL?
    je @pe_exe_ok
    mov edx,offset szWrongPE ; show error
    jmp @error
    @pe_exe_ok: movzx eax,word ptr[esi+NtHeaderSize]
    lea eax,[esi+eax+18h] ; calculate object table offset
    mov dword ptr[lpSectionTable],eax sub eax,lpFile.mem_ptr
    add eax,[esi+imagebase]
    mov dword ptr[@section_table],eax ; save VA of section table test dword ptr[lpParam],STRIP_RELOC ; wipe reloc option enabled?
    je @skip_wipe_reloc
    call @wipe_reloc ; wipe relocation section


    movzx ecx,word ptr[esi+numObj] ; get n0 of sections
    mov dword ptr[lpNumObj],ecx
    mov dword ptr[@section_count],ecx ; save it 2 times mov eax,[esi+imagebase] ; get image base
    mov dword ptr[@image_base],eax ; save it add eax,[esi+entrypointRVA]
    dec eax
    mov dword ptr[@entrypoint],eax ; save entrypoint VA or dword ptr[esi+0F4h],00000008h ; set PeX er sub eax,eax
    _trash 0E9h
    mov word ptr[esi+lmajor],ax ; clear linker field
    mov dword ptr[esi+timestamp],eax ; reset timestamp
    mov dword ptr[esi+loaderflags],eax ; clear loader flags
    mov dword ptr[esi+debug],eax ; never used
    mov dword ptr[esi+debugsize],eax ; as above
    mov dword ptr[esi+checksum],eax mov eax,esi
    sub eax,lpFile.mem_ptr
    add eax,dword ptr[esi+imagebase]
    ; import table eXtra encryption,rebuild little imports...
    mov edi,[esi+import] ; import table RVA
    test edi,edi ; import table exists?
    je @skip_import_encyrption ; skip it call @rva2offset ; edi RVA --> edi ptr in mapped file
    xchg edi,esi call @scan_import_table ; encrypt api names
    lea eax,[eax*8+eax] ; eax api functions count
    mov dword ptr[lpRedirSize],eax
    mov dword ptr[@max_redir_size],eax
    call update_import_infos ; correct loader's import table RVAs call sections_total_size ; get total sections size(raw) add eax,@symbiont_length mov dword ptr[lpTotalSize],eax
    mov dword ptr[@uncompressed],eax xchg eax,ecx
    call valloc ; allocate memory
    mov dword ptr[lpTotalSizePtr],eax
    xchg eax,edi mov esi,offset @symbiont_start
    mov ecx,@symbiont_length ; copy symbiont code
    rep movsb ; to new allocated memory mov ebx,dword ptr[lpNumObj] ; ebx no of sections,edi pointer to memory
    mov esi,dword ptr[lpSectionTable] ; esi points to section table
    call merge_compressable_sections ; copy all compressable sections into one stream mov ecx,lWorkMem
    call valloc
    mov dword ptr[lpWorkMem],eax mov ecx,dword ptr[lpTotalSize]
    push 9 ; allocate ((length * 9) / 8) + 16) bytes
    pop eax
    mul ecx ; to be sure that
    shr eax, 3 ; even an uncompressible data can be
    add eax, 16 ; compressed without problems(aplib.doc)
    xchg eax,ecx ; ecx size of memory to allocate
    mov dword ptr[lpOutput],ecx
    call valloc
    mov dword ptr[lpOutputPtr],eax
    test dword ptr[lpParam],CONSOLE
    je @win_callback
    push offset DosCompressCallback
    jmp @dos_callback@win_callback:
    push offset CompressCallback ; callback proc ptr
    push dword ptr[lpWorkMem] ; 1mb of workmem
    push dword ptr[lpTotalSize] ; length
    push eax ; destination
    push dword ptr[lpTotalSizePtr] ; source
    call _aP_pack ; compress(cdecl) test eax,eax ; error?
    je @error_pack cmp eax,[esp+8] ; check ratio
    ja @error_pack mov dword ptr[lpPackedSize],eax
    mov dword ptr[@compressed_size],eax pop edi ; pop source
    pop edi ; compressed buffer
    add esp,4*3 ; fix stack; mov edi,[lpOutputPtr] ; edi ptr to data
    xchg eax,ecx ; ecx data size
    call encrypt_data ; encrypt mov ecx,lpFile.file_size ; size
    call valloc
    mov dword ptr[lpOutFile],eax mov esi,dword ptr[lpPeheader]
    mov ecx,dword ptr[esi+headersize]
    add eax,ecx
    xchg eax,edi mov ebx,dword ptr[lpNumObj]
    mov esi,dword ptr[lpSectionTable]
    push esi cmp byte ptr[esi+objlinenum],0 ; check if section is compressed
    je @skip_copy_section ; mov dword ptr[lpLastSection],esi mov ecx,dword ptr[esi+objpsize] ; object size
    mov edx,dword ptr[esi+objpoff]
    add edx,dword ptr[lpFile.mem_ptr] ; object offset(into mapped file) push edi
    sub edi,dword ptr[lpOutFile]
    mov dword ptr[esi+objpoff],edi ; update raw offset
    pop edi mov esi,edx rep movsb

    pop esi add esi,objlen
    dec ebx
    jne @copy_pe mov esi,[lpPeheader]
    mov ecx,[esi+headersize]
    mov edi,[lpOutFile]
    mov esi,lpFile.mem_ptr
    rep movsb ; copy headers(MZ,PE,SectionTable) mov edi,lpFile.mem_ptr
    mov esi,[lpOutFile]
    mov ecx,lpFile.file_size
    rep movsb push @loader_len ; new data section length
    push offset @loader_start ; data to copy
    call add_loader_section ; add decompressor section mov esi,[lpOutputPtr]
    mov ecx,[lpPackedSize]
    rep movsb ; copy compressed buffer test dword ptr[lpParam],LDR_ALIGN
    je @skip_loader_alignment mov esi,[lpSectionTable]
    mov edi,[lpPeheader]
    movzx ecx,word ptr[edi+numObj]
    dec ecx
    imul eax,ecx,objlen
    add esi,eax mov edi,[esi+objpoff] ; file size = last section offset
    add edi,[esi+objpsize] ; +last section virtual size
    jmp @offset_aligned
    sub edi,lpFile.mem_ptr ; edi file size
    push lpFile.mem_ptr
    push lpFile.mem_handle
    call unmap push edi
    call set_end ; set new file size test dword ptr[lpParam],ALIGN_PE ; eXtra file align option enabled?
    je @skip_extra_align call align_pe ; set new alignment(200h)

    push offset lpFilename
    call open_file
    push eax mov eax,[lpOriginalSize]
    cmp eax,ecx
    jbe @no_ratio sub eax,ecx

    push eax
    push offset szSuccess
    push [lpWorkMem]
    call _wsprintfA
    pop edx
    add esp,4*2
    jmp @show_success
    mov edx,offset szAllDone


    call status_msg call CloseHandle mov ecx,@total_loader_size
    mov esi,[lpSafeLoader]
    mov edi,offset @loader_start
    rep movsb ; restore copy loader code push ecx
    push ecx
    push 1026 ; PBM_SETPOS
    push hProgress
    call SendMessageA ; reset progress bar position jmp @close
    mov edx,offset szAlreadyComp
    jmp @error@error_open:
    mov edx,offset szCannotOpen
    jmp @error@error_pack:
    add esp,4*5 ; fix stack
    mov edx,offset szErrorPack
    call status_msg mov dword ptr[esp+_eax],0
    ; free all memory buffers,close mapped file(s),close file(s) mov ecx,@total_loader_size
    mov eax,[lpSafeLoader]
    call vfree mov ecx,lpFile.file_size
    mov eax,lpOutFile
    call vfree mov ecx,[lpOutput]
    mov eax,[lpOutputPtr]
    call vfree mov ecx,lWorkMem
    mov eax,[lpWorkMem]
    call vfree mov ecx,[lpTotalSize]
    mov eax,[lpTotalSizePtr]
    call vfree push lpFile.mem_ptr
    push lpFile.mem_handle
    call unmap push lpFile.file_handle
    call CloseHandle sub eax,eax
    mov [lpParam],eax
    pop dword ptr fs:[eax] ; remove SEH handler
    pop edx
    inc eax
    mov [esp+_eax],eax
    sub edx,edx
    mov eax,dword ptr fs:[edx]
    mov esp,[eax]
    pop dword ptr fs:[edx]
    pop eax mov [lpParam],edx
    mov [esp+_eax],edx ; exit with error value
    retcompress_peexe endpencrypt_data proc near
    mov edx,[@decryption_key_1]
    mov al,byte ptr[edi]
    @encrypt_extra_engine label byte
    ror al,cl
    add al,dh
    add al,dl
    not al
    add al,ch
    add al,cl
    rol al,cl
    sub al,dh
    sub al,dl
    sub al,ch
    sub al,cl
    ror al,cl
    xor al,dh
    xor al,dl
    not al
    xor al,ch
    xor al,cl
    rol al,cl
    @encrypt_extra_engine_size equ $-@encrypt_extra_engine-2
    rol edx,cl mov byte ptr[edi],al
    inc edi
    dec ecx
    jne @encrypt_extra_data ret
    encrypt_data endp
    mutate proc near
    _junk 0E9h
    call @get_brandom ; get random 32bit number
    _trash 0E8h
    test eax,eax
    je @get_valid_random ; 0?
    _junk 0E8h
    push eax ; save random byte push offset @encrypt_extra_engine
    _junk 8Dh
    push offset @decrypt_extra_engine
    _junk 0E9h
    push @encrypt_extra_engine_size
    _junk 8Bh
    call swap_bytes
    _junk 0EBh
    pop eax
    _junk 0E9h
    _junk 0E8h
    dec eax
    _junk 0E9h
    jne @times
    _junk 09Ah popad ret
    mutate endpswap_bytes proc cbSize:DWORD,lpDecrypt:DWORD,lpEncrypt:DWORD
    _junk 0E9h
    mov eax,lpEncrypt
    _junk 0E8h
    mov ecx,cbSize
    _junk 08Bh
    call morph ; morph encryptor code
    _junk 0E9h mov eax,cbSize
    _junk 09Ah
    push 2
    pop ecx cdq
    _junk 09h
    div ecx
    _junk 0E9h
    xchg eax,edi
    _junk 0E8h
    mov eax,lpDecrypt
    mov ecx,cbSize
    _junk 069h
    call morph
    _junk 69h
    dec edi
    _junk 0E9h
    jne unmorph
    _junk 0E8h
    swap_bytes endpmorph proc near
    _junk 0E9h
    mov dx,word ptr[eax+ecx]
    _junk 0E8h
    mov bx,word ptr[eax+ecx-2]
    mov word ptr[eax+ecx],bx
    _junk 9Ah
    mov word ptr[eax+ecx-2],dx
    _junk 0E9h
    dec ecx
    _junk 8Bh
    loopnz morph
    _junk 0E9h
    morph endp;圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
    ; push offset lpSource
    ; push offset lpDestination
    ; call put_jmp
    put_jmp proc near
    pop ecx ; ret addr
    pop edx ; destiantion
    pop eax ; source
    push ecx

    mov byte ptr[eax],0E9h ; jmp opcode
    sub edx,eax
    sub edx,5
    mov dword ptr[eax+1],edx ret
    put_jmp endpCompressCallback proc near
    mov eax,[esp+4]
    imul eax,eax,100

    sub edx,edx
    mov ecx,[lpTotalSize]
    jecxz no_update_status
    div ecx
    push 0
    push eax ; position
    push 1026 ; PBM_SETPOS
    push hProgress ; handle of control
    call SendMessageA ; set progress bar position
    sub eax,eax ; ret with eax==1
    inc eax
    CompressCallback endpDosCompressCallback proc near
    ; lpInputBytes equ [esp+8]
    ; lpOutputBytes equ [esp+4]
    pushad mov eax,[esp+4+(8*4)]
    imul eax,eax,50

    sub edx,edx
    mov ecx,[lpTotalSize]
    jecxz @no_update_status
    div ecx
    xchg eax,ecx
    jecxz @callback_ret push offset lpWritten
    push dword ptr[lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo.c_X]
    push ecx
    push '.'
    push [hConsoleOut]
    call FillConsoleOutputCharacter@callback_ret:
    sub eax,eax ; return 1
    inc eax
    lpDot db '.',0
    DosCompressCallback endpcomment #
    CompressCallback proc near
    ; lpInputBytes equ [esp+8]
    ; lpOutputBytes equ [esp+4]
    pushad mov edx,offset lpChar
    movzx ecx,byte ptr[lpCharCount]
    cmp cl,4
    jb @next_char mov byte ptr[lpCharCount],0
    sub ecx,ecx
    sub eax,eax
    lea ecx,[ecx*2+eax]
    add edx,ecx
    call status_msg inc byte ptr[lpCharCount] popad sub eax,eax ; return 1
    inc eax
    lpChar db '\',0,'-',0,'/',0,'|',0
    lChar equ $-lpChar
    lpCharCount db 0CompressCallback endp
    #; edx ptr to msg
    writeln proc near
    pushad test edx,edx
    jne normal_string mov edx,offset szCRLF
    push 2
    pop eax
    jmp show_console_msgnormal_string:
    or eax,-1
    inc eax
    cmp byte ptr[eax+edx],0
    jne search_zero_msg
    push 0
    push offset lpWritten
    push eax ; string length
    push edx ; string
    push [hConsoleOut] ; output handle
    call WriteConsoleA popad
    retwriteln endp
    include pex_loader.asmend _start

